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  • خانه پوشاک کودک سنجاقک کوچولو

    سنجاقک کوچولو فروشگاه تخصصی لباس کودک

    On Page SEO

    • Full Address: https://babysanjaghak.com/
    • Avg of Sentences:2.619
    • Content Type:text/html;charset=UTF-8
    • Time of Crawler: 2023-04-23 06:00:20
    • External Link: 33
    • Internal Link:38
    • Last Modified:Sun 15 Dec 2019 17:01:03
    • Location: United Kingdom
    • Rating: 4.712
    • IP Address: 5e22:7113:e11f:6e0f:1491:c87e:c9c4:8378
    • Word Count: 461

    Off Page SEO

    • Robots Acceibillity:Excellent
    • Response Time: 0.26
    • Sentences: 45
    • Page Size: 517(kb)
    • Status: OK(200)
    • Text Rate: 10
    • Title Length: 33
    • Http Version: 3
    • Transfer Rate:75
    • Hosting Provider:Digital Realty
    • World Site Popular Rating:2066